The video he posted was said and heard to be insensitive and ignorant, catching the attention of many celebrities such as Sophie Turner an actress on Game of Thrones and the artist, Shawn Mendes. His post completely exploded, starting off the new year at an odd start. It went viral all over the internet, becoming so popular to the point where celebrities such as those I've mentioned before were informed.
Yet, isn't that the problem. This is exactly how he (and people like him) get what they want. As controversial their content is, it still catches our attention. Despite how many people dislike people like Logan Paul, he only gains if he gets attention. Which is what we're all giving him. View counts are all that really matter on the YouTube platform and now that his content AND his brother's (Jake Paul - another said problematic influence on the younger people watching them) are exploding, they're only benefiting in as many ways as possible.
Now, there's a new social media platform coming out soon, Vine 2 or commonly known as V2. The second version of Vine where people are able to gain followers and post 6 second videos. In the first version of the platform, there were some iconic videos that went viral and still are being spread to this day despite the shutdown of the platform. Unfortunately, it wasn't getting enough people on the platform after a while since people who are famous on social media practically took over the platform. Changing what seems to be 75% of the content, becoming unentertaining for people. Leading to the shut down of the first version of vine. The creator became aware of this situation that Logan Paul creates and realized how disliked he is, thus leading him to officially ban him from the platform. Not allowing any behaviour that Logan Paul has presented earlier. Ironic how he became famous on the first version of the platform, starting his career there and is now banned from the second version.
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